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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Crowdfunding goes viral! Need money for a project or personal situation

Do you need to raise funds to rebuild a community, your family, church, business, bills, student loans or any situation? Click Here Now

What Is It?

CrowdFunding Overview

What Makes We Share Different:
  •  Only $200 startup max., also a join free option (grow 4 times faster at $200 option)
  • ONLY 1 person breaks you even
  • No monthly fee’s EVER so no one ever quits! ZERO attrition!
  • Nothing to Sell or Buy
  • Not MLM
  • 100% of the money goes directly to you! NO FEES UNLIKE THE OTHERS!
  • Big money, 2 who get 2 who get 2 down 7 floors brings in $1.3 Million, unlimited growth potential, grows fast in weeks and months not years
  • 100% Legal, Ethical & Moral
  • No meetings or in home parties
  • Can be worked along with MLM to monetize the 9 of 10 MLM prospects that don’t end up joining the MLM company
  • Earn money the same day you join!
  • No balancing legs
  • No getting cut off
  • Someone’s DREAM is the PRODUCT! Helping people crystallize and achieve their dreams is super fun and rewarding! The people you talk to are very excited and want to learn more. The $200 entry and FREE option makes it easy to join
  • No Fees of any kind for WeshareCrowd Funding

How it works

2 who get 2 who get 2 down 7 floors brings in $1.3 Million

Most people click here now to start their project immediately

Monday through Friday
3 calls a day: 11:00 PST, 2:00 PST & 6:00 PST  
Call in #:
1-641-715-3900 (pin) 726440# (24 hours)
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We really need to bring back more family activities. Kids really need things to do to be more productive in society, especially in the african american communities. We can not continue to leave one race behind for financial gain because in reality we are one race, the human race. What is financial gain without a human race? NOTHING.

Definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Are we as a human race doing the same thing? Just follow the news for your answer.

Brilliant Crowd Funding Platform Goes Viral!

Using Donation Distribution Formula”, the We Share Team is taking Crowdfunding to the next level. There are online projects to earn money you cannow raise unlimited funds (money) via Crowd Funding for YOUR favorite “project” or “personal aspiration” creating a Crowd funding Small Business and in the progress, help other families, friends and business connections do the same.

Industry estimates indicate that crowd funding platforms such as Kickstarter, GoFundme and IndieGoGo (3 of the top 10 crowd funding sites) funded over a million “projects” with more than $2.7 Billion in 2012, and is expected to reach over 10 Billion, growing to over $96 Billion in 2025!
Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.

Original Post Found Here

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