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Monday, June 8, 2015

Host of Texas pool party gone awry claims racial confrontation spurred police incident

In a video posted to YouTube on June 7, Tatiana, a 19-year-old, describes a fight in the moments leading up to police using force to clear a pool party in McKinney, Texas, on June 5.

Tatiana says in the video her family was hosting a cookout for friends in the Dallas suburb when a white woman used racial slurs against them. Tensions soon rose when a 14-year-old family friend defended the host, calling the remarks racist. A white woman then, says Tatiana, told her "you need to go back to where you're from."

She claims that the confrontation quickly became physical before police arrived on the scene, when a woman allegedly slapped her.

Watch the video above to see more on what Tatiana says preceded the incident with police, and see latest reporting on how the local police department is handling the issue from The Associated Press below.

McKINNEY, Texas (AP) — A suburban Dallas police officer has been placed on administrative leave after a video showed him pushing a 14-year-old girl in a swimsuit to the ground outside a pool and pointing his gun at other teens.
McKinney Police Chief Greg Conley said at a news conference Sunday that the incident began when officers responded Friday to a report of a disturbance involving a group of juveniles at a neighborhood pool.

Original post found here

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