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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A 5-Year-Old Boy Met A Homeless Man For The First Time. What He Did Next Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes

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Ava told WSFA her son instantly became troubled by the stranger and began asking her questions about him. After she explained that he was homeless and what that meant, Josiah insisted they get him a meal.

"Josiah jumped up and asked him if he needed a menu because he couldn't order without one," she explained. "He said, 'Can I have bacon?.' And I said, 'You can have as much bacon as you want.'"
But before he chowed down, Josiah asked if the man would bless the food with them. He agreed, plus 11 other customers joined in to pray out loud.
"Watching my son touch the 11 people in that Waffle House [that night] will be forever one of the greatest accomplishments as a parent I'll ever get to witness," his mother said.

Original post found here

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