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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Donations pour in for Arizona dog found hanging from tree

Sunny was found on May 12, 2015 hanging from a tree and has since been recovering. She is now in the care of a foster home. People from all over the world have donated $20,000 for Sunny’s medical expenses, although most of it will also help other pets in the county shelter.(Pima Animal Care Center via AP)
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TUCSON, Ariz. — More than $20,000 has poured in for an Arizona dog that was found hanging from a tree more than a week ago but is now recovering in a foster home.
Sunny the dog made headlines when someone found her on May 12. The shepherd mix was hanging from a tree in Tucson with a rope tied around her mouth.
José Ocaño, director of shelter operations for the Pima Animal Care Center, said Sunny has slowly began to recover and is now being taken care of by a foster parent.
"She's getting her spirit back. Even the look in the eye looks more trusting and hopeful, which is a testament to how resilient animals are," Ocaño said.
Ocaño said Sunny's story attracted attention from all over the country and even internationally, drawing in thousands of dollars for her recovery. The shelter has used its Facebook page to post updates and pictures, many of which have gained more than 1,000 "likes."
Sunny's medical bills cost about $2,500, and the rest of the money raised will benefit other animals at the county shelter.
The shelter has on average about 650 dogs and 300 cats on a daily basis, and has a small budget, Ocaño said.
Meanwhile, police are seeking tips regarding Sunny's previous owner. The dog was not microchipped and appeared to have been neglected before she was found hanging from the tree.
Sunny was found on May 12, 2015, hanging from a tree and has since been recovering. She is now in the care of a foster home. People from all over the world have donated $20,000 for Sunny’s medical expenses, although most of it will also help other pets in the county shelter.(Pima Animal Care Center via AP)Original Post Found Heremsn.com/en-us/news/us/donations-pour-in-for-arizona-dog-found-hanging-from-tree/ar-BBkaD2H?ocid=HPCDHP

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