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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Deters: UC officer 'purposefully killed' DuBose

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University of Cincinnati Police Officer Ray Tensing was indicted Wednesday on a murder charge for fatally shooting Samuel DuBose during a traffic stop July 19.
It’s the first time a police officer in the city has been charged with murder for killing someone while on duty.
Video from the officer’s body camera shows a routine traffic stop turning suddenly violent when DuBose leans toward the passenger seat and Tensing fires a single shot into his head. DuBose did not appear to be belligerent or aggressive before the officer fired.
“It’s an absolute tragedy that anyone would behave in this manner,” Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said of the officer. “It was senseless. It’s just horrible.

“He purposefully killed him.”
Tensing, 25, faces 15 years to life in prison if he’s convicted.
The decision came after 12 Hamilton County citizens reviewed evidence all day Monday as part of a grand jury investigation into the incident, which has put the city on edge and rekindled worries about the sometimes strained relationship between police and African-Americans in Cincinnati.
UC’s campus shut down and classes were canceled Wednesday in anticipation of the announcement. Ohio Highway Patrol troopers were seen arriving on campus by late morning.

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