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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Florida State dismisses De'Andre Johnson after bar punch, arrest

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The video shows Johnson and a woman in a shoving match at a bar which escalates when the woman throws a punch at Johnson, who then strikes the woman in the face and exits the video frame.
The woman, a Florida State student, suffered several injuries to her face, according to court records. State attorney Willie Meggs will prosecute the case and decided to charge Johnson after reviewing video of the incident that was captured by security cameras inside the bar.
Johnson, a true freshman, was a four-star recruit who enrolled early at Florida State in January. He was expected to compete for the backup quarterback position.
Johnson's attorney, Jose Baez, said his client is "extremely embarrassed" and is participating in community service and faith-based programs focused on battered women, among others. A statement issued Monday by Baez did not address the alleged victim specifically.
"While it is clear from the video that De'Andre Johnson was not the initial aggressor, his family wants to take the lead in helping him learn and grow from this experience," Baez said in an emailed statement. "He is currently participating in community service, and faith-based programs focused on battered women, substance abuse, and the empowerment of children. De'Andre is extremely embarrassed by this situation and would like to express his heartfelt apologies to everyone, including those who were directly affected, Coach Fisher and his team mates, the entire Florida State University community, as well as his family and friends."
Johnson pleaded not guilty to the misdemeanor charge on July 2. A court date is set for later this month.

Original post found here

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