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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Mom's Attack Leaves Teacher Unconscious, Students Join In

Do you know anyone that needs to raise funds for any situation?

We really need to bring back more family activities. Kids really need things to do to be more productive in society, especially in the african american communities. We can not continue to leave one race behind for financial gain because in reality we are one race, the human race. What is financial gain without a human race? NOTHING.

Definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Are we as a human race doing the same thing? Just follow the news for your answer.

A middle school teacher was viciously attacked and knocked unconscious inside the school.
Police say that Annika McKenzie, 34, attempted to strangle her child's math teacher, Catherine Engelhardt, at Alverta B. Gray Schultz Middle School in Hempstead, NY on Wednesday. 
McKenzie allegedly put Engelhardt into a head lock and then threw her on the ground. 
Several students, including McKenzie's 14-year-old niece, reportedly began kicking and punching her. 
WNYW reported that McKenzie's attorney claims the teacher triggered the altercation by putting her hands on her daughter.
Police have charged both McKenzie and her niece with assault. McKenzie also faces strangulation charges, WNYW reported.
The school district says the incident is under investigation. The school's surveillance system allegedly recorded the violent attack, showing Engelhardt laying unconscious at one point.
Engelhardt has been released from the hospital and is recovering at home. 

Original post found here

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