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Monday, April 27, 2015

Student Leaves $3K Tip to Honor Teacher

Student Leaves $3K Tip to Honor Teacher RIP LIL' REES
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Richard Specht and his son, Rees, who inspired a pay-it-forward movement after his death in 2012. (Photo: Richard Specht/ReesSpecht Life)
A “pay-it-forward” movement in honor of a 22-month-old who died nearly three years ago inspired a monumental act of kindness last week — a $3,000 tip on a $43.50 restaurant bill.
Richard Specht and his wife, Samantha, started a movement they call “ReesSpecht Life” after their son, Richard — who was nicknamed Rees — drowned in a pond in their backyard in October 2012. “It happened two days before Hurricane Sandy. Then we went through the storm and lost our power for two weeks and it was a nightmare on top of a nightmare,” Specht, an eighth grade science teacher, tells Yahoo Parenting. “We had people coming from all over to help us — a landscaping company came and redid our yard and wouldn’t take any payment from us, friends and family brought food and wouldn’t let us pay them back. So we decided to pay people back anonymously. If we couldn’t pay it back we’d pay it forward.”
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The Spechts, who have three other children, launched a mission to inspire others to perform random acts of kindness, and to do so using “ReesSpecht Life” cards, that read, in part, “possession of this card is a solemn promise to pay it forward and perform a random act of kindness … please share the story of how you received this card …” But Specht, who lives in Sound Beach, NY, says he never expected the kind of grand gesture he heard about last week.

Original post found here

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