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Monday, April 27, 2015

One Tweet Shows the Hypocrisy of the Media's Reaction to Riots in Baltimore

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There is a serious epidemic happening all over the US. We need to make serious changes mentally and economically. Wars are big business for government it counts on our egos, our ignorance and our hate. Riots and damage = Arrests, damaged lives on both sides (law enforcement & communities, full jailhouses and money for costs/court fees. Then what, we repeat it all over again. Remember my other blog post where I mentioned "Doing the same thing over and over again expecting something different is the definition of insanity".  It's no longer actually physical, it's really mental. A system that doesn't exist without any of us is using all of us (law enforcement and communities) against each other. Just watch the riots and really see what you're looking at. Game needs to recognize game. Who actually wins?
Wake Up Everybody
Keep The Peace
RIP Freddie Grey

For the bible tells me so.
[cf. Mark 13:8]
"For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will also be famines. These things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.
Nepal earthquake death toll climbs above 5,200

On Saturday, over 2,000 protesters marched to Baltimore's City Hall to protest the death of 25-year-old black man Freddie Gray. Gray died on April 19 after suffering a spinal injury while in Baltimore Police Department custody a week earlier. At some point between when Gray was put into a police van and shackled and the time paramedics were called over half an hour later, something nasty happened.

According to Gray's family attorney, his spine was 80% severed at the neck. Deputy Police Commissioner Jerry Rodriguez admits that Gray gave up without the use of force.

Since then, thousands of people have taken to the streets every day to demonstrate against the fate that befell Freddie Gray and countless other people who have been killed by police in America. But on Saturday night, a small minority of Baltimore's residents decided to irresponsibly engage in property destruction and acts of violence — and the media lost its mind.

Original post found here

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