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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Something interesting about Freddie Gray's transport. A MUST READ

We have to begin to raise and make money our own way, while fixing our own personal situations at the same time. I believe we should seriously take a look at crowd funding. Each project donation helps another project, no deadlines or fees. You get 100% of the donations for your situation. Click here to start your project or dream.
The person in this video tries to make good points for somebody.

Let's see:

1. Officer says whatever happened to Freddie Gray happened before he was transported.

Clue #1: Witness says he was kicking and screaming in the van.
Clue#2: Hospital staff says his larynx and spine was severed.

Question #1: Then how could he be screaming, cursing and kicking in the van if it happened before he was transported or if his voice box was messed up?

Question #2: If handcuffed, how can you reach your throat?

Question #3: Why or how could you give yourself a concussion, break your back, and destroy your voice box?

Obvious answer: After he was transported. Also she says in a part that's not in the video "The only one's that know what happened are Freddie Gray and the one's that injured Freddie Gray.  I don't know anybody that would want to whip their own a@# that bad. Lies. I guess their trying to find a way out instead of fessing up.

Police had him before and police had him after. So I believe she has answered that question.

2. She says "How would anybody be doing in a situation like this, where you go out and risk your life, you make a little bit of money. When something bad happens, nobody is standing behind you such as your city that you served". Police are human beings not robots.

Oh Boo Hoo.

Here's my comparison:

Inner city people try to go out and risk their life to do whatever they can to survive since some can't work due to the police brutality, the lies, and the countless alleged crimes put on people's records. Inner city people make a little bit of money. When something bad happens, nobody is standing behind them such as their city. Inner city people are human beings and not robots. So who are the thugs. If police aren't then inner city people aren't. Now that's E=MC squared.

Sounds like the same thing except the police haven't been being attacked, harassed and lied on, on a daily basis. They haven't been in jail for years for alleged crimes and being forced into plea deals.

You say the gov is doing a great job they have a 95% conviction rate ridding crime. You say, if they were innocent why did they take a plea deal?

Let's see:

Question: What deal would you take if you were offered this? You can do a year if you take this deal or if you take this to trial you could get 17 years. Which would you take? That's why.

Yet marijuana is legal in some states. So is marijuana a crime or is it not a crime? Kinda makes me wonder what's really a crime and what isn't? Somebody's confused. Oh I get it now, it's illegal when gov can't make money, then it's ok when gov can make close to a half a million dollars in the first year. Sounds like a good case for expungements and releases, with pay.

Wake up
Keep the peace
RIP Freddie Gray and all that have died from the hands of others

Vigilantes With a Badge: The War Against the American People

We have to begin to raise and make money our own way, while fixing our own personal situations at the same time. I believe we should seriously take a look at crowd funding. Each persons project donation helps another persons project, no deadlines or fees. You get 100% of the donations for your situation. Click here for more information.
 Image result for baltimore police standoff

WORLD WAR III The War Against The People

The following incidents are cautionary tales for anyone who still thinks that they can defy police officers, even if it's simply to disagree about a speeding ticket, challenge a search warrant or defend oneself against an unreasonable or unjust charge, without deadly repercussions. The message they send is that "we the people" have very little protection from the standing army that is law enforcement.

For example, Seattle police repeatedly tasered seven-months pregnant Malaika Brooks for refusing to sign a speeding ticket. While Brooks bears permanent burn scars on her body from the encounter, police were cleared of any wrongdoing on the grounds that they didn't know that tasering a pregnant woman was wrong.

Eight Los Angeles police officers fired 103 bullets at two women in a newspaper delivery truck they mistook for a getaway car during a heated manhunt. The older woman was shot twice in the back and the other was wounded by broken glass. The women were offered a $4.2 million settlement for their injuries, while the officers were reprimanded for acting inappropriately, "retrained" and put back on the streets.

During the course of a routine investigation, a group of Los Angeles police officers beat, punched, and tasered Kelly Thomas, schizophrenic, homeless and suspected of vandalizing cars, until he was brain dead. The two officers charged for their role in the beating were acquitted and will face no time in prison. A third officer who was supposed to be charged will also walk free.
New York City police, pursuing a man who had reportedly been weaving among cars in Times Square, fired into a crowd, shooting a 54-year-old woman in the knee and another woman in the buttocks. Although the officers faced no repercussions for their reckless behavior, prosecutors charged the suspect with felony assault on the grounds that he was responsible for the injuries caused by the police.

Chicago police arrested, beat, and sodomized with a gun Angel Perez, pushing in his eye sockets, driving his elbows back into his head, and sticking a gun into his rectum, all in an effort to "persuade" him to be a drug informant. All of the officers remain in active duty, patrolling the streets.
Houston police shot and killed Brian Claunch, a mentally ill double amputee, who had refused to drop a ballpoint pen. The police officer was cleared of any misconduct and remains on the force. Curiously, in the last six years, the Houston Police Department has yet to find a single police shooting unjustified. Between 2007 and 2012, the HPD officers injured 111 civilians while fatally shooting 109 people.

There can no longer be any doubt that armed police officers, the end product of the government -- federal, local and state -- and law enforcement agencies having merged, have become a "standing" or permanent army, composed of full-time professional soldiers who do not disband. Yet these permanent armies are exactly what those who drafted the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights feared as tools used by despotic governments to wage war against its citizens. That is exactly what we are witnessing today: a war against the American citizenry.

Let that sink in a moment, and then consider that not a day goes by without reports of police officers overstepping the bounds of the Constitution and brutalizing, terrorizing and killing the citizenry. Indeed, the list of incidents in which unaccountable police abuse their power, betray their oath of office and leave taxpayers bruised, broken and/or killed grows longer and more tragic by the day to such an extent that Americans are now eight times more likely to die in a police confrontation than they are to be killed by a terrorist.
Making matters worse, when these so-called "peace" officers violate their oaths by bullying, beating, tasering, shooting and killing, they are rarely given more than a slap on the hands before resuming their patrols. Ironically, even when their victims are awarded multi-million dollar settlements, it's the taxpayers who must sacrifice, scrimp and save in order to pay for their transgressions, all the while, the officers continue to collect regular paychecks, benefits and pensions.

Before I am drowned out by howls of outrage from those who consider all individuals in uniform blameless and noble to a fault, let me acknowledge that there are undeniably many honorable law enforcement officials (some of whom are among my closest friends) who strive to abide by their oath to uphold the Constitution and serve and protect the citizens of their communities. However, they are fast becoming a minority in a sea of police officers who take advantage of their broad discretion and repeatedly step beyond the bounds of the law, ignoring their responsibility to respect the Bill of Rights. These latter individuals are little more than vigilantes -- albeit vigilantes with a badge -- and our communities are presently being overrun by individuals entrusted with enforcing the law who are allowed to operate above the law and break the laws with impunity.

As I document in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, for real change to occur, it will take Americans getting outraged enough to speak up and speak out. It will take them showing up at City Council meetings, picketing in front of police stations, and demanding that their concerns, complaints and fears about police brutality -- not only for themselves but for their fellow citizens of lesser incomes, darker skin tones and questionable lifestyles -- be acknowledged and acted upon.
To put it another way, there can be no hope for freedom unless "we the people" recognize that every time the police shoot an unarmed citizen, taser an elderly person, or beat someone senseless or crash through a homeowner's door, they are really shooting me, tasering you, and beating senseless your children, your neighbors and your loved ones.

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Monday, April 27, 2015

One Tweet Shows the Hypocrisy of the Media's Reaction to Riots in Baltimore

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There is a serious epidemic happening all over the US. We need to make serious changes mentally and economically. Wars are big business for government it counts on our egos, our ignorance and our hate. Riots and damage = Arrests, damaged lives on both sides (law enforcement & communities, full jailhouses and money for costs/court fees. Then what, we repeat it all over again. Remember my other blog post where I mentioned "Doing the same thing over and over again expecting something different is the definition of insanity".  It's no longer actually physical, it's really mental. A system that doesn't exist without any of us is using all of us (law enforcement and communities) against each other. Just watch the riots and really see what you're looking at. Game needs to recognize game. Who actually wins?
Wake Up Everybody
Keep The Peace
RIP Freddie Grey

For the bible tells me so.
[cf. Mark 13:8]
"For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will also be famines. These things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.
Nepal earthquake death toll climbs above 5,200

On Saturday, over 2,000 protesters marched to Baltimore's City Hall to protest the death of 25-year-old black man Freddie Gray. Gray died on April 19 after suffering a spinal injury while in Baltimore Police Department custody a week earlier. At some point between when Gray was put into a police van and shackled and the time paramedics were called over half an hour later, something nasty happened.

According to Gray's family attorney, his spine was 80% severed at the neck. Deputy Police Commissioner Jerry Rodriguez admits that Gray gave up without the use of force.

Since then, thousands of people have taken to the streets every day to demonstrate against the fate that befell Freddie Gray and countless other people who have been killed by police in America. But on Saturday night, a small minority of Baltimore's residents decided to irresponsibly engage in property destruction and acts of violence — and the media lost its mind.

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Abandoned psychiatric center

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These are the haunting images inside a lunatic asylum that has become a hotly-contested property amongst preservationist. (Matthew Christopher/Caters News)
                        Abandoned psychiatric center
These are the haunting images inside a lunatic asylum that has become a hotly-contested property amongst preservationist. Greystone Park Psychiatric Center, in New Jersey, was built to house hundreds of mentally ill patients, but it eventually hosted more than 7,500 people.

Demolition work recently began on the building, but preservationists say that it should be turned into a mental health museum and housing. Opened in 1876, Greystone would build a notorious reputation due to the number of patients that committed suicide, were raped, and became pregnant. The center was also used as a prominent filming location; housed Woodie Guthrie, a famous singer; and was frequently visited by Bob Dylan. (Caters News)

Photography by Matthew Christopher/Caters News

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Corinthian Colleges to shut down all 28 remaining campuses

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SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) -- Corinthian Colleges will shut down all of its remaining 28 ground campuses, displacing about 16,000 students, less than two weeks after the U.S. Department of Education announced it was fining the for-profit institution $30 million for misrepresentation.
In a statement Sunday, the Santa Ana, California-based company said it was working with other schools to help students continue their education. The closures include Heald College campuses in California, Hawaii and Oregon, as well as Everest and WyoTech schools in California, Arizona and New York.
Corinthian was one of the country's largest for-profit educational institutions. It collapsed last summer amid a cash shortage and fraud allegations.
The Education Department contends that Corinthian failed to comply with requests to address allegations of falsifying job placement data and altering grades and attendance records. It agreed to sell or close its campuses under pressure from the department.
Earlier in April, the department fined subsidiary Heald College, alleging the school had shown a pattern of falsifying post-graduation employment data. In one instance, the company's Honolulu campus declared a student had found work in her chosen field of accounting, even though administrators knew she was working at Taco Bell, the department said.
Most of the company's former schools have been sold, and Corinthian attempted to sell Heald as well but was blocked by California attorney general Kamala Harris' refusal to provide prospective buyers with a release from liability.
The company said Sunday it had been in "advanced negotiations" with several parties to sell the 150-year-old college and allow outside partners to let Everest and WyoTech students continue their education but was unsuccessful.
"Unfortunately, the current regulatory environment would not allow us to complete a transaction with several interested parties that would have allowed for a seamless transition for our students," Corinthian CEO Jack Massimino said in a statement.
The company also defended its work, saying its graduation and job placement rates "compared favorably with community colleges" and that many of its students hadn't been able to get their needs met at a traditional higher education institution.
"Neither our board of directors, our management, our faculty, nor our students believe these schools deserved to be forced to close," Massimino said.
A group of current and former Corinthian students are petitioning the Education Department to waive their federal student debt based on the alleged misconduct. According to the company's filings, the schools generated $1.2 billion government loans its final year.

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Student Leaves $3K Tip to Honor Teacher

Student Leaves $3K Tip to Honor Teacher RIP LIL' REES
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Richard Specht and his son, Rees, who inspired a pay-it-forward movement after his death in 2012. (Photo: Richard Specht/ReesSpecht Life)
A “pay-it-forward” movement in honor of a 22-month-old who died nearly three years ago inspired a monumental act of kindness last week — a $3,000 tip on a $43.50 restaurant bill.
Richard Specht and his wife, Samantha, started a movement they call “ReesSpecht Life” after their son, Richard — who was nicknamed Rees — drowned in a pond in their backyard in October 2012. “It happened two days before Hurricane Sandy. Then we went through the storm and lost our power for two weeks and it was a nightmare on top of a nightmare,” Specht, an eighth grade science teacher, tells Yahoo Parenting. “We had people coming from all over to help us — a landscaping company came and redid our yard and wouldn’t take any payment from us, friends and family brought food and wouldn’t let us pay them back. So we decided to pay people back anonymously. If we couldn’t pay it back we’d pay it forward.”
STORY: Happy Ending for 10-Month-Old’s Brave Cancer Battle
The Spechts, who have three other children, launched a mission to inspire others to perform random acts of kindness, and to do so using “ReesSpecht Life” cards, that read, in part, “possession of this card is a solemn promise to pay it forward and perform a random act of kindness … please share the story of how you received this card …” But Specht, who lives in Sound Beach, NY, says he never expected the kind of grand gesture he heard about last week.

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We Need to Talk About Credit Card Debt

                 Man with Mouth Taped Shut on White 
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Americans are embarrassed by their credit card debt but don't like to talk about it.

In a national survey, 42.4 percent of Americans reported having credit card debt, and the average balance is a staggering $10,902. According to a survey by the National Foundation for Consumer Counseling, 37 percent of Americans would be more embarrassed to admit the balance on their credit cards than their age or weight.

Why are so many of us afraid to talk about the problem that is haunting so many of us? And does our inability to talk publicly about debt cause bigger problems in the long run?

I Am a Failure

Credit card debt is viewed as a failure and weakness of character. People who spend too much are accused of living beyond their means, shopping too much and indulging in a life they can't afford.

And to a large extent, this is true. Credit cards make it easy to shop without thinking. If you don't have a budget, it is incredibly easy to spend just a bit more than you should. Countless studies show that spending with plastic means that we spend more. And we don't just spend more money in absolute terms. We will actually pay more for the same item. One of the more famous studies showed that, in some cases, people were willing to pay double for an item when they used a credit card. When we pull plastic out of our wallet, we are no longer savvy shoppers. Instead, we give into the temptation of the moment and build up a debt over time as a result. Spending $50 that we can't afford every week can easily turn into $10,000 of debt within four years.

But there are other reasons for Credit card debt. Two of the biggest causes of debt are job loss and medical expenses. Fifteen percent of the population still does not have health care, and a big emergency expense can generate massive medical bills. If you are not prepared financially for a job loss, debt can start to accumulate quickly.

Having credit card debt is never a reason to celebrate. So, people with credit card debt are embarrassed and remain silent.

Silence Is Costly

Credit card debt is expensive. Most store cards charge above 20 percent, regardless of your credit score. And more than 75 percent of people with credit card debt are paying an interest rate higher than 15 percent. By refusing to talk openly about our debt, we make three big mistakes:
  1. We become collectively delusional about the lifestyle that we can afford to live. We continue to buy clothes and eat in restaurants that we can't afford and slowly go into debt together. We end up borrowing to keep up the appearance of success, even though 40 percent of us can't afford our lifestyle.
  2. We end up paying too much on the debt that we have. Because mortgage debt is acceptable debt, people will speak openly about finding the lowest rates from the best providers. But for some reason, refinancing credit card debt is considered a sin. And we are expected to pay high interest rates as punishment for our bad decisions. Banks profit from our fear of finding a better deal.
  3. We lose the chance to help other people learn from our mistakes, especially our children. Because society judges purchasing power as success, we are afraid to admit to our children, our family and our friends that we can't afford something. So we pretend, slowly digging ourselves into deeper debt.
Since I started a price comparison website called MagnifyMoney, I have been able to help many people get onto a path of becoming debt-free. And after I help someone, I always ask him or her if they are willing to tell their story publicly. In the vast majority of cases, my request is declined. Here are some of their reasons: No one knew they were in debt. They were afraid of relatives and spouses finding out. And sometimes they feared that they would be judged. If you are not in debt, chances are the person next to you is in debt. We can pretend this problem doesn't exist, or we can help each other get out of this mess.

Start the Conversation

We need to start talking more openly about our debt. And we need to be more supportive of people trying to get out of debt, in the same way that we support our friends who are training for a marathon or on a mission to lose weight. Becoming debt-free and staying debt-free is a lifestyle choice, and it would be a lot easier if we all get in on it together.

But someone needs to be brave and speak up first.

A startup in California is trying to help people refinance their high interest rate credit card debt into a lower interest rate installment loan. Its name, Payoff, also reflects its mission. Payoff has faced similar challenges as MagnifyMoney: people just do not like to talk about paying off their debt. So, they started getting members of their team to talk about their own debt stories. And they are encouraging their employees to share those stories publicly. For example, Tanya talks about getting into credit card debt because of her marriage, and then finding a way out of debt on its website. We need more people to share their stories.

You Can Get Out Of Debt

Getting out of debt is possible. And it is even more likely if friends and family offer support. If you know your friend is training for the marathon, you would not be pressuring that person to skip training and join you at the bar. Equally, if we know about a friend's commitment to live debt-free, we can stop tempting them with shopping trips or nights our in bars and restaurants.

The mechanics of getting out of debt are relatively straightforward. You can cut expenses, refinance your debt to a lower interest rate and accelerate debt repayment. But creating a community of support is harder -- and more effective.

If you don't know where to begin on your journey towards becoming debt-free, you should consider downloaded my free guide, which helps you put together a plan. And please consider sharing your story with your friends and family. Once we start talking about it, we can start solving it.
Nick Clements is the co-founder of MagnifyMoney.com, a price comparison website that helps you find the cheapest bank accounts, and the best interest rates on your savings and your debt. He spent nearly 15 years in consumer banking, and most recently he ran the largest credit card business in the U.K. You can follow him on Twitter @npclements.

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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Pizza Hut makes kids' dreams come true with Bacon Mac 'n Cheese pizza

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Pizza Hut has released several stuffed crust pizzas but their latest creation was inspired by kids. (Pizza Hut)
How do you get kids to actually enjoying learning about statistics? Get pizza involved.
A New Jersey math teacher assigned her eighth-graders a project in which they had to design a food product based on real world statistics and pitch the product to a real company.

Anne Paoletti-Boyna, teacher at Clearview Middle School in Harrison Township, told the South Jersey Times that kids had to conduct surveys among other classmates to test the market and then pitch their idea to the right company.
Students Nick Gabriele, Sean Flannery, and Allyson Sooy decided to create the “ultimate pizza” with a bacon-macaroni and cheese-pretzel stuffed crust pizza after gathering data about favorite foods among their peers. After sending their idea of Pizza Hut’s Dallas headquarters, the trio received an unexpected surprise.

"Someone at Pizza Hut found the letter, read it, and liked it," Paoletti-Bayna announced to her class.
In an excerpt from the letter, obtained via People.com, the big guys at Pizza Hut were excited by the kids’ enthusiasm and research tactics:
“Here at Pizza Hut, we get ideas for new recipes sent to us all the time. The research and logic behind your product was definitely one that inspired us to respond, as you had clearly worked together as a team to come up with an innovative idea that Pizza Hut customers will love. Your prototype got our team of chefs in Dallas, TX thinking, and we believe this pizza has the potential to make it to the next level of customer research: a taste test.”
On Tuesday, the kids of Paoletti-Boyna’s class received the shock of the year when Pizza Hut team members visited the class—with their imaginary pizza creation come to life.

Pizza Hut's manager of development Barbie King says she though the pretzel crust was “awesome” and was tasked with bringing the dream pizza to fruition.

"We thought it was a great idea. Taking three things and putting them together like that adds up exponentially,' King told the South Jersey Times.
So how did this ultimate comfort-food mashup actually taste?
"I think it's great," Sooy, one of the original inventors, said as she tried a slice.

Unfortunately, Pizza Hut has no plans on bringing a macaroni and cheese-stuffed crust to the mass market, reports People. But this little contest proves that sometimes big food execs are willing to take a gamble on a creative guy—so it never hurts to submit an idea.

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Shop this video: Take years off your face in just 60 seconds

                     Image result for ren skincare

                     Image result for ren skincare

There's certainly a reason the Ren Flash Rinse 1 Minute Facial was named Elle UK's 2014 Best Skincare Innovation, but this isn't just the fastest facial ever, it's also one of the most effective. Super-anti-oxidant vitamin C is universally recognized as one of the most potent anti-aging ingredients on the market, and with a stabilized water-activated formula and 10% vitamin C, this facial is one of the best ways to get it.

Plus, all you have to do to get the benefits is use it for one minute at a time, three days a week. If you could get better skin in just one minute, why wouldn't you?

Get 10% off plus free shipping on orders over $50.00 with the promo code: AOLJOY Product​​​​

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Monday, April 20, 2015

103-year-old woman gets her high school diploma

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Nearly 90 years after she would have graduated from high school, a 103-year-old Wisconsin woman finally got her diploma.
Marie Hunt of Spring Green, Wisconsin, had to drop out of school after completing eighth grade when she found herself unable to get to her local high school,which was located six miles away from her home. 
Now a resident at Meadows Assisted Living and Memory Care in Spring Green, the centenarian was presented with an honorary degree by River Valley High School, 87 years after her fellow classmates graduated. 
                          Never too late: 103-year-old Marie Hunt received an honorary high school diploma 87 years after she would have graduated
Never too late: 103-year-old Marie Hunt received an honorary high school diploma 87 years after she would have graduated
'I was born in 1911, and there was no way that country kids six miles away could go to high school,' she said, adding that instead she stayed at home and helped to take care of her eight younger siblings.
When she expressed that she always regretted not graduating, her hospice nurse contacted the local high school to see if they could make Ms. Hunt's dreams come true.
'It's something I always wanted, and I didn't have the opportunity to go. And now, a hundred years later, here I am,' she told ABC's WKOW on her graduation day, 87 years after her classmates graduated in 1928.

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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Mom's Attack Leaves Teacher Unconscious, Students Join In

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We really need to bring back more family activities. Kids really need things to do to be more productive in society, especially in the african american communities. We can not continue to leave one race behind for financial gain because in reality we are one race, the human race. What is financial gain without a human race? NOTHING.

Definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Are we as a human race doing the same thing? Just follow the news for your answer.

A middle school teacher was viciously attacked and knocked unconscious inside the school.
Police say that Annika McKenzie, 34, attempted to strangle her child's math teacher, Catherine Engelhardt, at Alverta B. Gray Schultz Middle School in Hempstead, NY on Wednesday. 
McKenzie allegedly put Engelhardt into a head lock and then threw her on the ground. 
Several students, including McKenzie's 14-year-old niece, reportedly began kicking and punching her. 
WNYW reported that McKenzie's attorney claims the teacher triggered the altercation by putting her hands on her daughter.
Police have charged both McKenzie and her niece with assault. McKenzie also faces strangulation charges, WNYW reported.
The school district says the incident is under investigation. The school's surveillance system allegedly recorded the violent attack, showing Engelhardt laying unconscious at one point.
Engelhardt has been released from the hospital and is recovering at home. 

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Ex Wants Cut of Donations to Man Who Walks 21 Miles to Work

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You may remember the heartwarming story of James Robertson, a Detroit man who received tons of help from strangers when news outlets began reporting on his staggering commute of walking 21 miles round trip to and from work.
Robertson's life changed forever when donors raised more than $350,000 for him.
Now, Robertson's ex-girlfriend, who also happens to be his former landlord, is demanding $50,000 for home repairs that she claims are necessary because he was a slob.
Since receiving the huge sum of money, Robertson has moved into his own place in the suburbs and filed a restraining order against his ex, Tanya Fox.
Criminal defense attorneys Heather Hansen and Eric Guster appeared on "Fox and Friends" to weigh in on if Fox has any legal right to Robertson's money.
Hansen said Fox might have a case, as she was with Robertson for for 15 of the 16 years he was doing his lengthy walking commute, supporting him and doing all the things that a partner does. Additionally, if Robertson indeed promised her $50,000, as she claims, he may be held responsible for paying up on that promise.
Guster, on the other hand, said, "This is why she's the ex-girlfriend!"
"When money comes into play, people change. And she wants a piece of his pie," Guster stated. "And lucky for him, Michigan outlawed common law marriage in 1957, so she doesn't have a leg to stand on."
He explained that if they were married, then Fox would be entitled to Robertson's money.
Hansen agreed that Fox has a tough uphill climb and ultimately is very unlikely to get any of the money. 
Watch more from "Fox and Friends" above.

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

VIDEO Good Samaritan Rescues Elderly Man from Fall onto Busy Train Tracks

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Surveillance video from a Philadelphia subway station captured the moment a man jumped into action to rescue an older man who fell onto the tracks.

The video, from about 6:30 p.m. Wednesday shows Charles Collins, 28, wearing a Philadelphia Eagles jacket, walking away from the camera at the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority’s 15th Street Station seconds before an older man, identified as Alfred McNamee (on the left side of the screen), takes a wrong step and falls onto the tracks.

The video shows some witnesses run for help while Collins (in the red circle) jumps down onto the tracks and lifts McNamee to safety with help from commuters on the platform. Collins is then helped to the platform by other commuters.

Transport officials were quick to the scene to provide first aid to the two men.

The Police Chief of the Philadelphia transport department lauded the Good Samaritan’s rapid response and the support from the other commuters. “This was a case where everybody almost in view jumped in and got involved.” 

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Thursday, April 16, 2015

‘When is Cheryl’s birthday?’ The math problem that stumped the Internet.

Are you smarter than a Singaporean high school student? Here’s one way to find out.

See if you or your friends can figure it out.

The answer to this problem is in the video below this article.

A math problem intended for sophomores and juniors in Singapore has become the obsession of some portion of the Internet over the past few days. The students were asked to answer a seemingly simple question: “When is Cheryl’s birthday?”

To figure it out, you’re provided with some vague clues. Cheryl separately gives two new friends some details about when she was born, including a list of 10 possible birth dates. She also tells one of the friends, Albert, the month of her birthday, then tells the other friend, Bernard, the day of her birthday.
 View image on Twitter
As a final clue, there’s a conversation between Albert and Bernard, in which they each talk about what they know.

Now go solve the riddle!

Stumped? You’re not alone.

The question first appeared on April 8, as part of the Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiads contest.

It was posted online Friday by a Singaporean television presenter and quickly went viral — perhaps because the problem was initially misidentified as one intended for 10- and 11-year-olds.

As the problem spread far and wide, it became a bit of a joke. Truthfully, we blame no one for choosing to laugh instead of crying out of frustration.

Now that we solved that problem, what about this one?

We really need to bring back more family activities. Kids really need things to do to be more productive in society, especially in the african american communities. We can not continue to leave one race behind for financial gain because in reality we are one race, the human race. What is financial gain without a human race? NOTHING.

Definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Are we as a human race doing the same thing? Just follow the news for your answer. Click here 

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

2 Point Lead: Knicks Powerball

New Yorkers are really tired of the Knicks losing, so we thought of the perfect way to take matters into our own hands.

2 Point Lead decided to ask for money from fans around the city -- and hope that we hit the lottery in order to buy the team. People were more than willing to part with a couple dollars -- a $400 pair of shoes (no joke) -- to help the cause.

What's your project or situation? Click here to start raising funds for your project or situation.

Take that, Dolan!

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Ex-NFL player Aaron Hernandez convicted of 1st-degree murder

Do you know anyone that needs help with legal bills, student loans, college tuition for kids etc....? Click Here
 FALL RIVER, Mass. (AP) - Former New England Patriots star Aaron Hernandez was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison Wednesday in a deadly late-night shooting, sealing the downfall of an athlete who once had a $40 million contract and a standout career ahead of him.
Hernandez, 25, looked to his right, pursed his lips and sat down after the jury forewoman pronounced him guilty in the slaying of Odin Lloyd, a 27-year-old landscaper and amateur weekend football player who was dating the sister of Hernandez's fiancee. The conviction carried a mandatory sentence of life without parole and automatically triggers an appeal to Massachusetts' highest court.

Hernandez's mother, Terri, and his fiancee, Shayanna Jenkins, cried and gasped when they heard the verdict, and Lloyd's mother also cried. Jenkins wept loudly on his mother's shoulder. Hernandez, his eyes red, mouthed to them: "Be strong. Be strong."
The former football pro was also found guilty on weapons charges. The jury deliberated for 36 hours over seven days before rendering its verdict.
For reasons that were never made clear to the jury, Lloyd was shot six times in the middle of the night on June 17, 2013, in a deserted industrial park near Hernandez's home in North Attleborough.

Police almost immediately zeroed in on Hernandez because they found in Lloyd's pocket the key to a car the NFL player had rented. Within hours of Hernandez's arrest, the Patriots cut the former Pro Bowl athlete, who was considered one of the top tight ends in the game.
Prosecutors presented a wealth of evidence that Hernandez was with Lloyd at the time he was killed, including home security video from Hernandez's mansion, witness testimony and cellphone records that tracked Lloyd's movements.

Hernandez's lawyer, James Sultan, acknowledged for the first time during closing arguments that Hernandez was there when Lloyd was killed.
But the attorney pinned the shooting on two of Hernandez's friends, Ernest Wallace and Carlos Ortiz, saying his client was a "23-year-old kid" who witnessed a shocking crime and didn't know what to do. Wallace and Ortiz will stand trial later.

Prosecutors have suggested Lloyd may have been killed because he knew too much about Hernandez's alleged involvement in a deadly 2012 drive-by shooting in Boston. But they were not allowed to tell the jury that because the judge said it was speculation.
As a result, they never offered a motive beyond saying Hernandez appeared angry with Lloyd at a nightclub two nights before the killing.
Hernandez faces further legal trouble: He is awaiting trial on murder charges in the drive-by shooting. He is accused of gunning down two men over a spilled drink at a nightclub.

In the Lloyd killing, the defense argued that investigators fixated on Hernandez because of his celebrity and conducted a shoddy investigation in their zeal to confirm their suspicions.

Prosecutors said Hernandez organized the killing, summoned his two friends to help carry it out and drove Lloyd and the others to the secluded spot in the industrial park. During closing arguments, prosecutors also accused Hernandez of pulling the trigger, though under the law it was not necessary to prove who fired the shots to convict him.
Security video from inside Hernandez's home showed him holding what appeared to be a gun less than 10 minutes after Lloyd was killed. The surveillance system also captured Hernandez, Wallace and Ortiz relaxing at his home hours after Lloyd was shot, hanging out in the basement "man cave," lounging by the pool and cuddling Hernandez's baby daughter.

Hernandez, a native of Bristol, Connecticut, was an All-American out of the University of Florida who was drafted by the Patriots in the fourth round in 2010.

PS. On Call Legal and Identity Protection for less than $20 a month. There is only two times when you will think about this, right now and when it happens.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

$20,000 reward after boy killed in Southwest Philadelphia hit-and-run

Police say a $20,000 reward is now being offered in the hit-and-run crash, caught on camera, that killed a 4-year-old boy in Southwest Philadelphia.

The reward, offered by the mayor's office, is for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the driver who struck the boy twice near the intersection of 57th and Litchfield Streets then fled the scene.

The crash happened around 6:30 p.m. Monday and was captured by a surveillance camera.

Investigators believe the driver was an African-American woman.

"She needs to turn herself in and give us some kind of explanation," said Capt. John Wilczynski of the Philadelphia Police Accident Investigations Division.

In addition to that direct appeal to the driver, police also asked for the public's help in trying to locate both the driver and the vehicle involved.

They are looking for a limited edition 2011-2014 black Ford Edge SUV with an all-chrome smooth front and a 1-inch chrome trim strip, front-to-back, on both sides of the vehicle.

Nothing from the vehicle fell off on impact, Wilczynski said, and no physical evidence of the SUV remained at the scene.

VIDEO: 4-year-old child struck and killed in Southwest Philadelphia
A 4-year-old child was struck and killed by a car that fled the scene in Southwest Philadelphia, police say.

Surveillance video, too graphic to show in its entirety, shows how the driver struck the boy Monday evening, sending him 15 feet down the roadway.

The driver then runs over the unconscious youngster before speeding away. "I noticed a little, young boy coming out of the street right behind us," witness Jerome Eskridge told Action News. "When he got into the middle of the street, I heard a lady holler, 'Go back! Go back!'"

Several witnesses tried chasing down the driver after the incident, but to no avail.

Other witnesses called 911 and tried to help.

"He had stopped breathing at once. I think he went into shock. But they did find a pulse," Eskridge said.

The little boy was quickly transported to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, where he was pronounced dead a short time later.

Raysa Cespedes is another witness who says the only thing more heartbreaking than the hit-and-run itself was seeing the victim's mother trying to revive her son.

"I saw her when she came out and it was horrible to watch. She was just crying, crying for the baby's name. It was horrible," Cespedes said.

According to the video, it appeared to just be a horrible accident. Police say if the driver had just stopped at the scene, it's likely she wouldn't be facing any criminal charges.

If you spot that Ford Edge or know the woman who was behind the wheel, you are urged to contact Philadelphia Police.

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Ikea is now hosting online weddings using webcams

Do you know anyone that needs to raise money for a situation?

Maybe you've thought about hosting your wedding registry with Ikea, but you probably haven't thought about hosting your actual wedding there. If, for some reason, you have, that's now sort of possible.

At least you don't have to worry about a dress code
Ikea launched a service last week called Wedding Online that allows couples to hold a virtual ceremony attended by a few of their closest friends — as well as the rest of the internet. Ikea will digitally transpose the ceremony into a dreamy location, but the ceremony isn't quite as romantic as an IRL event: everyone involved is just staring into a webcam that puts their face on top of someone else's body.

You can get dressed up in a gown and tux, if you really want to, but no one's going to notice if you're just wearing sweats.
For now, the Wedding Online site appears to only be available in Swedish, but if you just keep hitting buttons you should be able to make it through to the point that you can actually start a ceremony.

If you're a long-distance couple, be sure to check out the Gear VR so that the internet can bring you together during other important moments.

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Monday, April 13, 2015

Walter Scott, shot in the back after police stop, to be buried Saturday

RIP Walter Scott

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Charleston, South Carolina (CNN)—The casket was draped with an American flag, and Walter Scott dressed in a dark suit for his visitation in Charleston, South Carolina. But his family was missing.

They needed privacy, said Mayor Joseph Riley, who attended the visitation Friday.
On Saturday, Scott’s family will say goodbye in a private funeral and burial.
A week before to the day, a police officer shot him in the back as he fled. He had been pulled over for a broken taillight.
A passerby caught the shooting on cell phone video, and the alleged shooter, Officer Michael Slager, was swiftly charged with murder. He was fired and faces life in prison or the death penalty if convicted.
Prior struggle?
The video shows Scott running away from an officer, who fires eight shots. Scott is struck five times; he falls to the ground.
“Nothing in this video demonstrates that the officer’s life or the life of another was threatened,” National Urban League President Marc Morial said. “The question here is whether the use of force was excessive.”
But one witness is speaking of a struggle prior to the shooting. And at least one expert believes a murder charge may not hold up.
On Thursday, witness Gwen Nichols told CNN’s Brian Todd that she saw Scott and Slager scuffling at the entrance to a vacant lot.
“It was like a tussle type of thing, like, you know, like, ‘What do you want?’ or ‘What did I do?’ type of thing,” Nichols said. “I didn’t hear Mr. Slager saying: ‘Stop!’ ”
Nichols’ account has similarities to Slager’s. He had told investigators that he had tussled with Scott over his Taser, and that he feared for his safety.
Defense arguments
Criminal defense attorney Paul Callan said he believes Slager’s defense will play up the reported scuffle in arguing that this is not a murder case.
“Defense attorneys will say this was a heat of passion shooting — (that) this was something that he did suddenly after some kind of an altercation, a physical altercation with a suspect,” Callan said. “And that would constitute manslaughter under law, as opposed to murder, and it makes a huge difference in sentencing.”
In South Carolina, a murder conviction requires a measure of premeditation.
A different story
But the account from the witness who recorded the cell phone video, Feidin Santana, paints a different picture.
He was walking to work when he saw Slager on top of Scott, he said, who was on the ground. Santana said he could hear the sound of a Taser in use.
He said he didn’t see Scott go after the Taser, as Slager initially claimed. He said he believes Scott was trying to get away.
“Mr. Scott never tried to fight,” Santana said.
Neither the struggle nor the use of a Taser was captured on video because Santana started recording shortly after that.
Investigators’ suspicions
Investigators from the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, or SLED, found troubling inconsistencies from the very start, the said in a statement.
“We believed early on that there was something not right about what happened in that encounter,” SLED Chief Mark Keel said in a statement. “The cell phone video shot by a bystander confirmed our initial suspicions.”
Slager’s lawyer, Andy Savage, has complained that he “has not received the cooperation from law enforcement that the media has.”
Savage’s office said in a statement that it has yet to receive “any investigative documents, audio or video tapes, other than a copy of Mr. Slager’s arrest warrant.”
The news release added that the lawyer has been advised that the police union that Slager belongs to “is no longer involved in the case.”
Second video
A second video, taken from a police dash cam, has also emerged from the day Scott died. It shows moments prior to the shooting, when things seemed to be going smoothly between Scott and Slager.
Scott apparently tells the officer that he has no insurance on the vehicle, and Slager returns to his car to do paperwork. Then Scott gets out of the car and runs out of the camera’s frame.
Scott was the subject of a bench warrant over $18,104.43 in unpaid child support at the time of the stop, according to court records. That may be why he ran, an attorney for the family said.
Heartbreaking tragedy
On Friday afternoon, police met with a man who was in Scott’s car, but the passenger’s name wasn’t in a police report obtained by CNN. He was detained briefly after the shooting, one officer wrote in the report.
Scott family attorney Chris Stewart said he was a co-worker and friend. But he did not identify him by name.
On Friday, a few mourners trickled into the Fielding Home For Funerals. A white banner with a blue star near his casket displayed his favorite NFL team. It said: “Tradition, the Cowboys way.”
“This is a heartbreaking tragedy for everyone in our community,” Mayor Riley said. “It breaks everyone’s hearts.”
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